Handling of Information Obtained from Customers
Hinocon Valley, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) uses access analysis, advertising systems, and crash reports provided by Hinocon Valley, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) uses the access analysis, advertising system, and crash report that are installed in the application software for smartphones (hereinafter referred to as the “Application”), and the following describes the user information sent from the Application and how it is handled.
【Scope of data collection and use】
This privacy policy applies to users worldwide who use this app.
【Data collection】
• Information entered by the user in various functions within this service
• Information specified when the user permits when linking with external services such as social networks
【Scope of data usage】
• To provide this service and services for users
• To respond to inquiries regarding this service
• For research, analysis, and improvement aimed at improving the service of this service.
• To respond to acts that violate the terms and conditions of this service
• For other purposes similar to the above purpose of use
【Efforts to improve services through access analysis】
We utilize the following services in order to aim for a better experience for our customers by understanding how the application services provided by this application are used.
Access analysis: Google Analytics for Firebase provided by Google
Information such as usage information, device information, advertisement ID, and cookies in the app will be acquired.
Please refer to the following for more specific contents.
【Efforts to improve quality through crash reports】
As an effort to improve the quality of the application service provided by this application, we are helping to improve the service by understanding where the crash occurred.
Crash Report: Firebase Crashlytics from Google
Get the crash information in the app.
About the use of information collected from services that use Google services by Google
Google Terms of Service
This app displays advertisements delivered by Google’s ad network. Advertising networks collect information to provide better advertising.
Ad network: Google Inc. Google AdMob
Information collection involves the collection and sharing of ad IDs and cookies, and personal data for the purpose of personalizing the ad.
Google’s approach
Google AdMob Terms of Service
【When disclosing personal information to a third party】
We will properly manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers, and will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.
• With your consent
• When it is necessary to disclose by law
• When it is not possible to identify the person such as statistical data
• When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
• When it is necessary for the national government or local public bodies to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by law, and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the person will hinder the performance of the affairs.
【Future changes in privacy policy】
We review this Privacy Policy on a regular basis and may change, revise, add or delete any part of it as necessary. If we change this privacy policy in a way that affects how you use your personal information, we will notify you on this page. We will also update the revised date at the end of this Privacy Policy.
【Contact Us】
For inquiries regarding the handling of our privacy policy, please contact us at the following link:
Update date: Oct 20 2024